1. If your perform an experiment. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good scientific problem
A. answerable only by yes or no
B. clear and specific
C. It does not require an experiment.
D. It does not require an investigation.
2. Student X performs science activity according to him/her the best way to test the hypothesis is
A. Experiment B. Ask questions C. Observation D. None of the above
3. It refers to the variable that is purposely change.
A. Constant variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Independent variable
D. Controlled variable
*** For items 4 - 6 refer to the given situation.
Jonas wanted to find out which type of soil is best in growing pechay. He prepared three identical pots and
labeled them A, B, and C. He half-filled each pot with clay soil, loam soil and sand soil respectively. He also
planted ten seeds of pechay in each pot and made sure that they get enough water and sunlight
4. Which variable was kept constant?
A Size of pots
B. Amount of water and sunlight
C. Number and kind of seeds
D. All of the above
5. Which variable was being tested?
A. The number of germinated seeds.
B. The number of worms that live in the soil.
C. The amount of water and sunlight
D. The kind of soil.
6. Which factor was changed?
A Size of pots
B. Type of plant
C. Number of seeds
D. Kind of soil.​

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