
September 2022 2 2 Report
16. It is a component of physical fitness that the child is able to move and stretch his/her body parts in any direction smoothly and effortlessly. A. Agility B. Flexibility C. Coordination 17. Based on our Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid how many times in a week do we need to play a game like Tumbang Preso? A. daily B. 2- 3 times C.3-5 times 18. Filipino children like to play traditional Filipino games . Which of the following is not a traditional Filipino game? A. Dama B. Football C. Patintero 19. The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is a visual representation with daily recommended activity at the base and proceeding to less beneficial activity at the peak. Which of the following activity below should be minimized? A. picking up scattered toys in a room B. playing basketball with your friends C. do the tumbling around the playground D. sitting for a long period of time while watching TV 20. It is a skill involved in Tumbang Preso. It is the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. A. Speed B. Agility C. Coordination D. Flexibility D. Tumbang Preso​

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