
May 2023 1 6 Report
1.Logical Fallacies
2.Attacking the Person
5.Hasty Generalization
6.False Analogy
7.Irrelevant Conclusion
9.Post Hoc

1. These are errors in reasoning that invalidate an argument.
2. It occurs when the direction between cause and effect is reversed.
3. It occurs when an arguer presents his/her argument as one of only two options
despite the presence of multiple possibilities.
4. We must support the clean and green program of the government. Mountaineers
have suffered climbing on the mountains.
5. I cannot accept your argument because unlike me, you were not educated at Harvard
6. We were not able to solve the problem because of limited time even if all the other
groups were able to do so.
7. It occurs when an argument is considered to be valid because it is what the majority
8. It occurs when a writer assumes that two concepts that are similar in some ways ar
also similar in other ways.
9. Juan saw a black cat when they went home. Along the way, they crashed into a tree.
The black cat must be the reason why they met an accident. occurs when a sample is not significant or enough to support a generation about a population​​

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