
September 2022 1 5 Report
Heat Stroke..
>When the body is exposed to extremely high temperatures and does not get enough water for a prolonged period of time, the body fails to regulate its temperature and suffers a heat stroke. Heat stroke is treated as a medical emergency. It can damage the brain or even lead to death. The condition may begin as simple heat cramps, and progress to fainting and exhaustion. People over
age 50 are vulnerable, as are young athletes who are training under the heat of the sun.

>Dengue virus-mosquitoes favour areas with warmer climates and more rainfall. As the mosquitoes breed and multiply, they move on to new territories.
The ff. are signs and symptoms of dengue: high fever that lasts for a week, aching muscles
and joints, general weakness, and pain the eyes as the illness progresses, body temperature may drop and n tiny red spots or skin rash may appear.

Water-home Diseases
>Floods can carry water-borne diseases such as leptospirosis from the urine of rats; skin
diseases from polluted flood waters or congested refugee centers; and diarrhea from contaminated drinking waters.

1. In your own point of view, how can we lessen if not prevent these diseases brought
about by the effects of climate change?
2. Make a slogan about CLIMATE CHANGE.​

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