
September 2022 1 6 Report
guide B. Read the selection then answer the questions that follow Have you ever wondered how paper is made? It is made from long, thin threads called fibres. These fibres give paper its strength Long ago, the Egyptians used the fibres in the stems of the papyrus to make paper. The word "paper" therefore comes from the name of the plant. But the paper they made was not very strong and did not last long. Nowadays, people use trees to make paper because they have long and strong fibres inside them. The most useful kind of trees are conifers such as spruce or pine trees. Conifers are specially grown on big plantations in countries such as Norway, Sweden, America and Indonesia. The trees are grown in straight lines so they can be easily looked after and cut down. 1.Paper is made from long thinthreads of fibes to a. make patterns b. be easily cut c. give it strength d. form stems 2. The name of "paper"comes from a. Norway b. Sweden America d. Egypt 3. The most useful tres for making paper are a. conifers and papyrus trees b, papyrus and pine trees C. spruce and pine trees d.papyrus and spruce trees 4.What is "papyrus"? a. plant b. fibres c. fruit dla papaya 5.Why are conifers grown in straight lines ? a. They make way for people to walk b. They look neat c. They are easily watered and cut down d. They follow the straight path.​

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