Fill in the blanks in the following sentences choosing the correct word from those given in brackets.

1. We can't proceed_without a little rest. (further/farther)
2. His-brother is a Police Officer. (older/elder).
3. He arrived_than we expected. (latter/later).
4 The_part of his lecture was very interesting. (latter/later).
5. She is_than her cousin. (older/elder) 6. You are-than Samir. (older/elder)
7. Meet your uncle without _delay. (farther/further)
8.She went to America for _studies in medicine (farther/further)
9. Naina sat _ to you. (next/nearest)
10. The wounded persons were taken to the hospital. (next/nearest)
11. No _than forty boys took part in the debate. (less/fewer)
12. She stood _ in the examination. (first/foremost)
13. _chaos prevailed in the House. (utter/outer)
14. What is the news from the battle_ field? (latest/last)
15. Gandhiji was the_ statesman of his time. (first/foremost)​

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