B. read each paragraph find an end underline the simile or metaphor write an explanation for this afterward.

it is only during the weekend that are family get to eat breakfast together.and i like to cook big breakfast. the scrambled eggs and bacon and mountains of serving plates. there are files of fluffy and sweet pancakes and slices of bread. honey mango and strawberry syrup are also available on the table. oh how i love the weekend breakfast!

meaning of simile or metaphor:________

the room was dark, and the smell of sugar filled the air. 10 people crouched in the darkness. they were as quiet as mice. then they hear the sound of the door creaking open. the light was lit on. everyone jump and yelled "Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

meaning of similar or metaphor:_______

heavy rain drops were drum beats on the roof. lightning lit up the sky in sudden flashes, quickly followed by the boom of thunder. melissa wish she could stay use snug in her bed, but they were just one problem. she was certain that a ghost had floated passed her open bedroom door. she gathered her courage and got up to go and investigate.

meaning of similar or metaphor:_______

lewis and jane rode a bicycle up the side of the rocky hill. it was slow going, but the effort was worth it. now came the fun part: speeding down the hill! as they spend over rocks and clamps of grass, dare bikes bounce wildly. their laug hter rang out like bells.

meaning of similar or metaphor:_______

Brainliest / follow ang maka sagot need ko na ngayun​

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