
August 2022 1 5 Report
ENGLISH Directions: Write the summary of the following selections (2 pts. Each)

1.Bamboo is called a tree. It really belongs to the grass family. It is used to make turriture, Kitchen utensils and musical instruments,

2. The typhoon came and spoiled the picnic. Since I had to stay indoors, I amused myself cutting out paper dolls. I played with as if we were in a picnic Make believe picnic can be lots of fun.

3. Polluted air causes death to people with heart and respiratory diseases. Animals and plants also suffer from polluted air. They might die from exposure to polluted air Polluted ak is truly harmful to both living and non-living things,

4. A dolphin looks like a very large fish, but it is not a fish. It does not breath through its gills but through a hole on its head. Fish are cold while dolphins are warm.

5. There are different kinds of soil. Some are made of rich black loam, some are sandy and some are mostly clay. Each kind of soil has these advantages for the healthy growth of certain kind of crop

please need kona ng answer wag nyo po tong answeran kung points lang habol nyo o kung hindi nyo alam​

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