
September 2022 1 3 Report
E Learning Task No. 6: Identify common separation techniques used to separate the components of the following mixtures.. Learning Tour statements in Technique to Separate the Mixture Mixtures 1. Getting the liquid portion of iced coffee 1 It is use liquid by tom of the 2. A me 2. Straining pancit canton in a colander nents a mixt their s cup 3. Separating pasta off noodles 3.It is a filte of th 4. Window screens allowing air in while keeping insects out 4. It a 5. Making coffee using ground coffee beans С 5 . (separating 6.Drying clothes water from fabric) 7. Recovering the pure alcohol from alcoholic beverages 8. Separating minute metal shards from a sandy floor 9. separating grains from husk 10. Separating crashed lem- ons in a lemonade​

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