
September 2022 1 1 Report
Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion A statement may be classified into a fact or an opinion. It is a fact if it states something true, which everyone can agree on. An opinion expresses a belief or a way of thinking. NOT everyone shares the same opinion. Some clue words that signal opinions are I think, It seems, It appears, probably, likely, and possibly. Activity A Direction: Write F if the statement is a fact and O if it is an opinion. Write your answer on the blank provided. 1. the Philippine flag is the symbol of our country. 2. Its colors are red, white and blue. 3. Red stands for bravery, blue stands for peace and the white stands for cleanliness. 4. I think it is the most beautiful flag in the world. 5. I believe every Filipino home should have a Philippine flag. Activity B Direction: Read each of the following dialogues. Then write the name of the person who expresses a fact or an opinion. 1. Ann: I think Tagaytay should be the summer capital of the Philippines. May: No, Baguio is the summer capital of the Philippines. Fact: Opinion: 2. Sam: The sun probably rises in the west during the summer. Luke: It always rises from the east. Fact: Opinion: 3. Jen: Cory Aquino was the first woman president of the Philippines. Kate: She must have won because many believed in her. Fact: Opinion: 4. Mike: Her house is painted blue. Susan. Most likely, it is the most beautiful house in town. Fact: Opinion: 5. Rina: Dan is 12 years old. Zean: He is the nicest person in school. Fact: Opinion:​

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