
September 2022 1 2 Report
Discuss and Learn Stories have elements. These are characters setting, and plot Recognizing these elements can be helpful to you when you tell and summerze stories answer questions about them or even guess what will happen next
•Characters refer to the people, animals, or creatures that are involved in a story. There are main characters, who actively participate in the events of the story, and supporting characters, who only have minor roles in the entirety of the story.
• Setting refers to the place and time when a story happened. Remember though that storytellers do not always state the setting directly. Sometimes, you will have to guess the setting based on the description of the surroundings or the details of the dialog.
• Plot refers to the series of events of a story, which includes the conflict (or the problem of the story) and the resolution (or how the problem solved or how the story ended).
1.did you story have character?
____ yes _____ no
2.Was there a setting in your story
___ yes ___no
3.Does your story have a plot
_____yes _____no​

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