
September 2022 1 3 Report
Directions: Write True if the concept is correct or False if it is wrong. Write down your answers in your notebook. 1. Dressings are used to cover wounds, prevent contamination, and control bleeding 2. Adhesive dressings are used mainly for small wounds. 3. Square knot is used in tying bandages. 4. Use disposable gloves when applying dressings to the wound. 5. Bandaging should not reduce the swelling of an injured part. 6. Never replace or remove any dressing that slips out of position. 7. Cleansing of hands after dressing a wound is unnecessary, 8. Bandage is used to support and immobilize limbs. 9. In applying bandage, leave the fingers or toes of a bandaged limb exposed. 20. As soon as the bandage is on, check the circulation.​

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