
August 2022 1 6 Report
Directions: Read and follow the given instructions in constructing your own sewing kit organizer.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

1. Make a sketch of your organizer using a measurement of 12 inches wide by 24 inches as the size, or you can copy the sample as illustrated above.

2. Make patterns for the main part which is the base of the organizer using a manila paper. 12 inches by 24 inches in size.

3. Make patterns for the patch pockets 8 inches long by 6 inches wide as the size with three designs, plain, oval and pointed.

4. Lay your pattern on the cloth. Lay large pattern first then the smaller patterns.

5. Pin the patterns.

6. Mark the cloth.

7. Mark sewing allowances.

8. Cut the cloth. Reminder: before cutting measure twice or more if there is doubt of the measurements.

9. Construction or assembling process by unit method.


a. Work on the pockets by putting designs applying the principles of designs using the different basic hand stitches and applying the theories of colours.

b. Put labels for each pockets as marking tools, measuring tools and cutting tools, This will be the emphasis of the organizer. .

c. Zigzag raw edges of the pockets to make it durable and edges will not ravel.

d. Sew the handles for hanging.

e. Work on the edges of the organizer by folding them and secure them by sewing with running or back stitch.

f. Lay the pockets, pin, baste then hand or machine stitch.

g. Remove hanging threads.

h. Wash and press when needed.​

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