
September 2022 1 4 Report
Directions: Find the meaning of the underlined compound word from rectangular box. Write your answer in your notebook, the 1. There is no place so sweet and comfortable like one's motherland 2. My brother's mother-in-law from Canada has just arrived to visit her daughter 3. The real estate agent is selling some lots. 4. Mrs. Santos is our part-ti teacher in Mathematics 5. One morning, Jeriel's name was in the headline of the daily newspaper 6. The airfield was too small to serve as a landing strip for the sky jet. 7. Brielle has always been hardworking, that is why she submits her project on time. 8. I love the puckered texture of crepe paper which is perfect for gift wrapping 9. Mr. Fuentes has been working as the editor-in-chief of a leading magazine in the city 10. People are not playthings. mother of one's spouse homeland airport head of an editorial staff schoolhouse freelance lazy toys front page diligent property significant crinkled, decorative paper​

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