
September 2022 2 2 Report
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. It is a form of fast memory in the chip that stores a copy of frequently used data so that it can be quickly retrieved to speed operations A. microprocessor B. memory C. internal cache D. bus size 2. It limits the amount of data transferred in a single pass A. microprocessor B. memory C. internal cache D. bus size 3. It is the heart of a computer system. A microprocessor B memory C. internal cache D. bus size 4. It is a permanent storage retained even after the computer is turned off. A. static memory B. temporary memory C. internal memory D. volatile memory 5. It is the ability of a chip or chips to process more than one set of instructions at the same time. A. parallel processing B. math coprocessor C. clock speed D. internal cache 6. This component supplies the needed electricity of the other internal parts A microprocessor B. motherboard C. memory chips D. power supply​

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