Direction: Identify the following statement that illustratees family resources and needs. Write Human if the statement illustrates as human resources. Material if the statement illustrates as material resources and Nonmaterial if the statement illustrates as non material.
__________1. Real properties and jewelry increase over time.
__________2. Proper scheduling of the different activities as maniging the time will help lessen the unnecessary labor.
__________3. Another term of material resources in tangible resources.
__________4. Time is used to start and finish work without giving a burden to the body or resentment to the person.
__________5. Jewelry is tangible resource that the value increases over time.
__________6. Strength is important to accomplish certain task.
__________7. Health of family member is very important in order to perform duties without delay.
__________8. Energy is important in performing duties.
__________9. The more experience of a family meber has, the more he or she will get hired.
__________10. Capabilities of an individual is very important in improving the common Good of society.

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