
October 2022 2 1 Report
DIRECTION: Choose the meaning of the underline
word. Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.
1. He said that a scribe is similar to a typist or a clerk.
A. an expert in designing something
B. a script writer for telenovelas
C. an expert in copying something
D. a subscriber to a magazine
2. Similar to Confucius and Aristotle, Jose Rizał is a
A. strange
C. traveller
B. wise man
D. rich man
3. People's beliefs are as myriad as stars in the sky.
A. merry-looking
C. bright-looking
B. countless
D. priceless
4. An innocent child's mind is as pristine_as an
undiscovered mountain cave.
A. original, unspoiled
C. bright-looking
B. dangerous
D. unpopular
5. If you lack Vitamin C, you will be susceptible to colds
like a bejewelled lady appearing so inviting to robbers.
A. highly suspicious
C. near or far
B. quite strong
D. prone or liable

paki sagot ng maayos po!​

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