
October 2021 2 29 Report
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters to form a name of an instrument. Fill in the missing words to complete the description of the instruments. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
________1. GONGLAKA-is a wind instrument that produces a hollow_______sound.
________2. AKLAKOT - a percussion instrument made of pieces of bamboos that are strung together with pieces of bamboo with varying tones when struck by_______
________3. SIKSIK - is a bamboo piece with_______and serves as a percussion instrument
________4. ILLAUT - a bamboo opening enriched by a_______to a pentatonic scale played on four holes, one found below and three on top of the bamboo blue.
________5. G N ULKANG - tubes are carved to have resonant pitch when struck, it representa note and are turned to________​

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