
September 2022 1 0 Report
direction: answer the following word problems. show your solutions. 2 points
each. kindly use pad paper for your solutions.

1) mother takes her medicine 3 times a day. how many days will 120ml of her medicine if 5 ml is
taken each time?

2) a water-purifying device has a flow rate of 15 ½ liter per hour. at this rate, how many liters will
be produced in 24 hours?

3) skye spend hours in cleaning the house and hours in washing her clothes. how much hours
did she spend in cleaning and washing her clothes?

4) joelle has kg. of white sugar. she uses kg. for baking. how much white sugar does she
have left?

5) a 17 meter piece of fabric is to be cut into 5 pieces. how many meters is each piece?

6) subtract 8.53 to 5.93?

7) multipy 17.03 and 2.4?

8) find the sum of 16.485 and 3.121? ​

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