
July 2022 1 59 Report
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  • Neriah
    thanks a lpt
  • Neriah
  • Aayushi826
    its all my pleasure bae


New questions in Math

convert 0.275275275275 into fraction​
subtract -9 from +10​
c) 15 m and 750 cmwrite the ratio of the following quantities in the simplest form​
Reduce 51/119 to its lowest form
2 3 20 A pan containing of a pie is on the table. If Hakim eats of the pie, how much of the pie has he eaten? 5​
prove that angle bisector of a triangle are concurrent.​
((2.3)^3 - (0.3)^3) /((2.3)^2 + 0.69 + (0.3)^2​
verify the conditions for consistency of a system of linear equations in two variables by graphical representation. 3:24 pm Consider the three pairs o…f linear equations 1stpair: 2x-5y+4=0, 2x+y-8 = 0 2nd pair: 4x + 6y = 24, 2x + 3y =6 3rd pair: x-2y=5, 3x-6y=15 3:24 pm Obtain a table of at least three such pairs (x, y) which satisfy the given equations. observation table. al bi ci Also, check ;₂¹ b₂ ¹ 0₂ 3:24 pm Plot the points of two equations on the graph paper 24 pm Observe whether the lines are intersecting, parallel or coincident. Write the values in 3:25 pm verify the conditions for consistency of a system of linear equations in two variables by graphical representation . 3:24 pm Consider the three pairs of linear equations 1stpair : 2x - 5y + 4 = 0 , 2x + y - 8 = 0 2nd pair : 4x + 6y = 24 , 2x + 3y = 6 3rd pair : x - 2y = 5 , 3x - 6y = 15 3:24 pm Obtain a table of at least three such pairs ( x , y ) which satisfy the given equations . observation table . al bi ci Also , check ; ₂¹ b₂ ¹ 0₂ 3:24 pm Plot the points of two equations on the graph paper 24 pm Observe whether the lines are intersecting , parallel or coincident . Write the values in 3:25 pm​
15 multiply (-25) multiply (-4) multiply (-10)Which property is that
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Neriah thanks a lpt
Neriah lot
Aayushi826 its all my pleasure bae

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