
December 2021 1 12 Report
What’s In
In your prior lesson you learned about drawing conclusions. Let’s see if you can still remember them, before proceeding in the new lesson.

Activity 2
Read the passage and draw conclusions to answer the questions.

Mary woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes. Her stomach started to rumble, so she jumped out of bed and raced downstairs. In the kitchen, her mother greeted her with a hug and a “good morning”. The breakfast was already on the table for Mary. She woofed down her food as fast as she could and yelled, “Thank you” as she went get ready for school.

1. Who made breakfast?
a. Mary b. Her Dad c. Her Mom
2. What was the setting for this passage?
a. Mary’s school b. Mary’s home c. Mary’s bus stop
3. What does woofed mean?
a. Ate b. Hungry c. Dog-like animal
4. Why do you think Mary ate fast?​

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