
August 2021 2 33 Report
Correct the errors of the sentence 1. He will work since tomorrow. 2. I am the younger in the family. 3. I paid him 100 rupees for his service 4. I am going to school yesterday. 5. I was discussing about the matter. 6. Let us discuss about the matter. 7. There is no place in the bench. 8. I shall remain before a week. 9. It is raining since last Monday. 10. She died of suicide. 11. open the page sixty. 12. I have a strong headache. 13. I gave him a few rupees I had. 14. Bad news travel fast. 15. Are you interested to play football. 16. Nobody knows where he has gone. 17. Each of them have seen Tajmahal. 18. It is who is to blame. 19. kuppia resembles to the kuffia. 20. The man is a social animal.

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