
October 2022 1 0 Report
{ Correct Answer} 1.Why do plates sometimes sink into the mantle?
a) Because of convergent boundaries
b) Because they feel like it
c) Because one is cooler,so it sinks first
d) Subduction one plate is denser

2.What does the Continental Drift Theory state?
a)Continents are stationary
b) The Continents were once joined as super Continents and moved over time.
c) Continents move in the same direction and the size of the Continent does not change
d)The Continent becomes a supercontinent.

3.Which of the following could form a fossil?

d)All of the above
4.What does fossils tell us?
a)When and where the plants once existed
b)How long it takes for a fossil to decompose.
c)How long fossils existed
d)None of the given
5.Which of the following increase with distance from a mid - ocean ridge?
a)the age of oceanic lithosphere
b)the thickness of the lithosphere
c)the depth to the sea floor
d)all of the above​

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