Column A Column B 1. It is built entirely of fluid lava flows 2. A method which determine exactly where the earthquake was A. DRC B. PEIS C. P-waves D. S-waves E. Intensity F. Magnitude G. PHILVOLCS H. Wavelenght 1. Seismogram J. Seismographs K. Triangulation 3. Distance between corresponding points on two adjacent waves 4. The recording made by the instrument used to record Earthquakes 5. Proportional to the energy released by an earthquake at the focus 6. In the Philippines, the intensity of an earthquake is determined using the 7. Determine earthquake parameters such as magnitude, depth of focus and epicenter 8. The strength of an earthquake as perceived and felt by people in a certain locality 9. A Longitudinal waves, because they compress and expand like a spring in the direction that the waves travel 10. Philippine national institution dedicated to provide information on the activities arise from geotectonio phenomena​

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