Change these sentences from passive to active voice.
1.The field was overgrown with grass.
2. How was this information gathered by you?
3. The oranges had been plucked by them before the storm.
4. Were any books suggested by the librarian?
5. The World Cup is watched by people all over the world.
6. The roof will have been repaired by them.
7. This iPhone was bought by me on monthly instalments.
8. The Internet is used y millions of people every day.
9. The river has been polluted by poisonous chemicals.
10. How was this recipe prepared by you?
11. This road is not used very often by people.
12. Why was your application for home loan rejected by the bank?
13. A medal will be given to the winners by the Prime Minister.
14. By whom was she taught German?
15. My tomatoes are being eaten by chipmunks. ​

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