
October 2022 1 1 Report
It means working out how likely it is that a hazard will harm to someone and how serious the harm could be. * 5 points

Your answer Where the assessment reveals a problem, preventive measures must be designed and implemented. Control measures should now be selected according to the list of control priorities. * 5 points

Your answer Used to protect the wearer's face and eyes and prevent the breathing of air contaminated with chemical and/or biological agents. * 5 points

Your answer Control Measures: Do not touch equipment with wet hands or don't use a wet cloth to clean sockets. * 5 points

Your answer Control Measures: Provide good ventilation can get rid of the fumes and chemical smell that builds up in a workplace. *

5 points Your answer Control Measures: Make sure that all workers in the area are aware of the action that must takes in the event of a fire. 

* 5 points Your answer Control Measures: Provide height adjustable chairs to individual. Operator can work at their preferred work height. 

* 5 points Your answer When you lose your balance & drop to the floor. *

5 points Your answer Are suitable for protecting employees from hazards like liquid chemicals, acids/caustic liquids and other hazards that could splash into the eyes. 

* 5 points Your answer Back Submit Clear form ​

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