
August 2022 1 8 Report
1. Analogy: Supply the word that completes the analogy, Write the letter of the correct arawer
Dentist is to teeth as ophthalmologist is to
A face
B. eyes
feet D head
2. Tuberculosis is to lungs as leukemia is to
A blood B brain C stomach D kidney
3 Chalk is to teacher as stethoscope is to
A doctor B enginner C priest D. businessman
4. Tired is to sleep as hungry is to
A drink
Beat C. sing
D. starve
5. Tobacco is to nicotine as coffee is to
A. caffeine
B. sugar
fat D. salt
6 Sniff is to smell as lick is to
A eat B taste Cdrink D sleep
7. Yolk is to egg as page is to
A cover B book C library D. preface
8. Pinch is to pain as hug is to
A massage
B massage C comfort
D hurt
9. Scissors is to cut as clamp is to
A hold B force
Chang D rernove
10. Book is to glossary as brain is to
A head B feet
C. hair D face

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