
October 2022 1 1 Report
C. Underline the correct transition word in the following sentences: 16. (Because, Before) it was raining, I didn't walk my dog this evening. 17. I love chocolate, (although, so) I eat chocolate candy whenever I can. 18. The test was really hard. (Therefore, Then), only five students passed it. 19. First, you have to answer the questions (next, so) you hand in your paper. 20. Ben needs to go to bed early. (Although, Otherwise), he will be late for school 21. You will see a big tree; (further on, however) you will see a fork in the road. 22. He really loves reading. (Despite, In fact), he reads almost all the time. 23. That would not be smart. (Despite, In other words), that would be idiotic. 24. (Over, Among) the trees ofh the forest, the deer ran gracefully. 25. You are always late. (On the other hand, Like), you can be trusted.​

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