
November 2022 1 0 Report
C Read the short paragraphs below. Identify these paragraphs are developed using NARRATION ar DESCRIPTION (2 points each)

11. The happiest day of my life is when I got my first job last year. After college, I try and try for six months to get work with an advertising firm but my luck is bad. Finally, one day wlule I was enting a sandwich in a downtown coffee shop. my luck began to change. A young woman who was sitting next to me asks if she could read my newspaper. I say okay, and we start talking She begins to tell me that she is an executive in a huge advertising company and is looking for an assistant. I will tell her that I am very interested in mass communications and study it for four years at the university. She gives me her business card and within one week, I am her administrative assistant. It is the best lunch of my life

12. As a child at the age of two, my sister and I had pictures taken together. My sister and I are ton months and three weeks apart. In this special family picture it looked identical Our big dark blue and brown eyes and smile resemble to calm little girls enjoying the mument with peaceful smiles on our faces, In our long, dark red and blue dresses we sit red fieplace under branplante Our dark broer wavy hair even matched. We both had baby pink bows off to the side of our heads that resemble a blooming flower. Growing up our family consisted of our father, my sister, and I. My sister and I have been there for each other through the thick and the thin."

13. I used to think all dogs were cute and cuddly, but now I know better. When I was a boy, I delivered newspapers One day there was a little dog lying on the grass in front of one of the houses I delivered to I walked past the dog. left a newspaper by the door, and walked past the dog again. As soon as I stepped past it. the dog jumped up and bit right into my ankle. I was not badly hurt or even upset, but I learned an important lesson: even a dog that looks like it is taking a nap oan suddenly attack you .

14. I will never be late for class again. Yesterday I was late for class. The teacher got very angry. She yelled at me and made me stand in the corner for half an hour. Then she made me write fifty lines: "I must never be late. Later, she called my mother, who sunt me to bed without supper. Boing late for class is not worth the punishment

15. Piranha are omnivorous, freshwater fish, which are mostly known for their single row of sharp. triangular teeth in both jaws. Piranhas teeth come together in a scissor-like bite and are used for puncture and tearing. Baby piranha are small, about the size of a thumbnail, but full-grown piranha grow up to about 6-10 inches, and some individual fish​

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