
October 2022 1 1 Report
Below are sentences depicting the elements of a story. For numbers 1
to 4, write C if the sentence tells about a Character, S for Setting, P for Plot,
and T for Theme. For number 5, write the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheet.
1. Being resourceful is looking for ways or means to solve the problem.
2. Elisa is a simple Grade 6 pupil who studies in a small public school in
their province.
3. The West Visayas Regional Athletic Association Meet 2019 was held at
Roxas City
4. When Elisa's parents arrived in Roxas City to support her, she was very
happy. She was really inspired to play. Sad to say, a day before their
first game she and her two team mates suffered from head ache.
Because of it, they did not play well. They gave their best to help their
team mates win the game but still they end up losing. After the game,
they were advised to drink a lot of water, take medicines, take a rest
and have enough sleep at night. Fortunately, their headaches were gone
the next day. They played their next games so well that they ended up
2nd runner up.
5. Based on the story in item number 4, from which point of view is it
a. first person
c. third person
b. second person
d. omniscient
Bravo! You did a good job! It is about time that you get yourself ready
for the new lesson.​

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