
September 2022 1 0 Report
bang bans a kaisipang lit and 8. What is the difference between 2 3 time signatures? 2 4. A. In time signature, there are two beats in a measure and a quarter note 3 receives one beat while time signature has three beats in a measure and a quarter note receives one beat. 2. B. In time signature, there are four beats in a measure and a half note a receives one beat while time signature has three beats in a measure and a quarter note receives one beat. + 3 4 2 C. In time signature, there are two beats in a measure and an eighth note 4 3 receives one beat while time signature has three beats in a measure 4 and an eighth note receives one beat. . 2. 2 D. In time signature, there are two beats in a measure and a whole note 3 receives one beat while time signature has three beats in a measure + and a whole note receives one beat, 9. Musical symbols are important in music. What is the symbol pointed by an arrow? 3. 66 Ta A key signature B. time signature C. G det D. note 10. The time signature consists of upper and lower nunber. What does the​

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