B. EXERCISES Exercise 1: Read the passage below. Answer the questions that follow. Something Real in the Future by Blessilda Pitogo Scorching heat of the sun, stinky smell from waters, raging storms in a day, cities floating in water these and more will not be in movies anymore. Climate change and man-made activities have turned disaster films true in the real world The earth's circumstances are no longer stable as before. Many geological changes pose a threat to daily living. These alarm the state officials, experts and concerned citizens to take drastic actions to save the earth from destruction and to save live from danger. National, public and private entities impose environmental laws, programs and projects to eliminate hazards to nature. People are encouraged to join the calls for discipline and participation in this mission. WhatPresentistheffortspassagetopreserveabout? and conserve nature are now evident. Desired results of thesea Naturegoals Loverswillonly be realized if peoplecstop Nature'sillegal activitiesBenefits and start to care for nature more In this way, what is horrible in film will no longer be real. b. Nature's Conditions d. Nature's Wrath 2. What is the passage about? A Nature Lovers B. Nature's Conditions 3. What is the author's purpose in the passage? A. to entertain C. to persuade B. to inform D to narrate 4.What depressing message is conveyed in the passage? A. The authority is making solutions. C. The people's abuses are seen in nature. B. Nature is suddenly changing. D. Films give bad impact to society. 5. What idea best shows an encouraging sense presented by the author? A. Movies present social matters. C. Nature's Benefits D. Nature's Wrath C. People collaborate to save the earth. D. People's lives are in danger. B. People are alarmed of the issue. 6. What action does the author want the reader to take? C. Laws should be strictly implemented. D. All should be united in the cause. A. People should ignore the signs. B. People must safeguard the earth EXERCISE 2: Read each excerpt carefully. Write PO for the excerpt with positive message and NE for the​

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