B.  Directions: 
On the blank before the number, put the word YES if the statement speaks of participation in the mission of the
Church. If not, put the word NO.

______ 1.The
owner of the big manufacturing company gives his workers below the rate wages.

______ 2. An
old lady brings to her home street children in order to feed them.

______ 3. A teenage girl knows that
she can dance well but refuses to join with her classmate in the dance
competition despite the persistent invitation.

______ 4. A middle-aged woman
spreads gossip about her neighbor.

______ 5. A YS 6 learner saves his
allowance in order to contribute to the social outreach of his school.

______ 6. A widow humbly arranges
flowers in the small chapel every morning before the start of the mass.

_____ 7. Four young boys volunteer as acolyte in their

______ 8. A movie reporter loves to
sow intrigues and spread unfounded stories about the life of actors and

______ 9. A Kagawad in the barrio
refuses the bribe offered to him by a multi-national company.

______10. A public school teacher
travels by foot to a remote area in order to teach the children living there.

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