At 1.____ there was just the sky, the sea, and the crow flying between them. The crow got tired of flying, but
2.______ no place to sit, and stirred up the sea. When the waters of the sea reached the sky, it threw rocks, to keep it down. These rocks then became the islands of the Philippines. The crow flew down and lived peacefully on one of the islands; when one day a bamboo struck its feet. Hurt and angry, the crow started pecking the bamboo until it split into two - thus Malakas, meaning strong, and Maganda, meaning beautiful,
3._____ Malakas and Maganda married and had numerous children. One day, fed up with the
4._______of the children, they started beating them up. Terrified, the children fled all over the place, and became the
5.______ living on the islands.​

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