Assessment Direction: Multiple Choice. Select the best answer. Write only the letter on your test notebool. 1. Which is used for sharpening edge cutting tools such as chisel?
a. Baw set b. oil stone c. nail set d. files

2. Which is used to measure a work piece?
a marking gauge b. try square c. ineter stick d. ruler

3. Which is used for transfer measurement?
A. plumb bob b. divider c. pencil d. caliper
4. Which is used to layout or mark cutting lines?
a. chalk line b. pencil c. marking gauge d. steel square
5. Which is used to scribe arcs and circle in the metal wood?
a. compass b. divider c. marking gauge d. steel square
6. Which is used in squaring, measuring, and testing the squareness of a wood?
a. cabinet scraper b. spirit level c. try square d. steel square
7. Which is an example of portable power tool which is used for sanding furniture? a. jigsaw b. spirit level c. circular saw d. sander
8. Which is used to drive and pull out nails on wooden surface? a. claw hammer b. screwdriver c. cabinet scraper d. mallet
9. Which is used to protect the eyes against flying debris and harmful liquids? a. apron b. face mask c. goggles d. ear protector
10. It is used to drive and loose screwe? a. apron b. claw hammer c. screwdriver d. nail set
11. Which is used to protect the hands while working? a, claw hammer b. gloves c. screwdriver d. face mask

pls answer correctly and don't take points​

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