
September 2021 1 23 Report
A.On the space provided write true if the situation uses correct multimedia and false if the sentence does not use the correct multimedia.write your answer on the space provided before each number.
1. You listen to an educational program and in television to gain information for a new report.
2. You attended your online class in english in view used lecture capture in recording the discussion of your teacher.
This will help you in recalling the important information in the
3. Your teacher told you to make a presentation about
the local tourist spots in your city. You did not use graphics
instead; you recorded a narration of the history of your town.
4. You made a blog and posted it in your YouTube
channel to show your latest summer vacation
5. You did not tune in to 96. 1 FM Radio to hear the
lecture of your teacher. However, you listened to your favorite
song in Spotify

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