Answer the following questions for 3 marks (80-100 words):
1. Mention ethnic composition of Belgium.
2. Discuss the composition of Sri Lanka.
3. Why did feelings of alienation increase among the Sri Lankan Tamil?
4. What do you learn from the stories of Sri Lanka and Belgium? 5. Why is power sharing desirable? Explain prudential and moral reasons for the same.
6. Mention some basic principles of democracy.
7. Enlist three measures taken by Sri Lanka, according to an Act passed in 1956.
8. Sharing of powers makes a country more powerful and united? Do you agree with the statement and why?
9. Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democratic countries but they follow different systems of power sharing". Support the statement by giving three points of differences.
10. How many times was the Belgium Constitution amended between 1970 to 1993. Mention the positive effects of power sharing arrangement in Belgium.
11. Explain the working of vertical forms of power sharing. 12. What do you mean by horizontal power sharing? Why this arrangement is called a system of checks and balances? ​

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