
August 2022 0 3 Report
Objective: Explain and illustrate how movement along faults generate earthquakes.
Instructions: Use separate sheet for your answers.
1. The phrases below are events on how faults generate earthquakes. Arrange them to
derive in a correct sequence of the event.
a. energy is released at the focus sending out vibrations
b. on the surface shockwaves move out from the epicenter
c. plates move, colliding at the edges
d. pressure builds until plates suddenly slip
e. rock breaks at a weak point or along an existing fault
f. rock is bent and twisted
g. sometimes plate edges grip each other and become immobile
2. Then, complete the phrases to make it a complete sentence.
3. Write the arranged events on how earthquakes occur in column A.
4. In column B, illustrate what is being described in Column A.
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