
October 2022 1 6 Report
Activity 9.2
Directions: Expand the following sentence by adding the indicated Iverbial modifiers to the
italicized verbs. Use a separate sheet for your answers.
1. Daedalus built the labyrinth. (infinitive phrase)
2. Minotaur could not escape from the labyrinth. (clause)
3. Daedalus and Icarus were imprisoned. (prepositional phrase)
4. Daedalus built wings for him and his son. (infinitive phrase)
5. Daedalus worked. (single word and clause)
6. Daedalus kissed his son. (clause)
7. Icarus soared (single word) and the wax melted (prepositional phrase).
8. Icarus fell. (prepositional phrase and clause)
9. Daedalus looked for his son's body. (single word)
10. The dark water was called Icarian. (infinitive phrase)​

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