
August 2022 1 3 Report

Direction: Look for the claim in the paragraph. Encircle the claim, box the points to support the claim.

Example: The COVID-19 Virus spread all over the world. The new virus affected the economy of every country.

1. Advertisers target young people when marketing cigarettes, alcohol, and adult movies. This makes most of the young adult are addicted to vices.

2. As of May 29, 2014 desalinated water already costs about $2,000 an acre foot - roughly the amount of water a family of five uses in a year. The cost is about double that of water obtained from building a new reservoir or recycling wastewater, making water an expensive necessity for the people.

3. Computer shops makes a lot of money from kids when they play computer games, watch YouTube and even use social media. Regardless of how much they earn, kids become addicted to playing computer games and watching videos in YouTube.

4. Selling too much unhealthy foods make kids and adults sick. Junk food manufacturers are poisoning people with their preservatives, additives and artificial flavorings.

5. Video games makes kids violent. Counter Strike, PUBG, GTA5 are games that are war games.​

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