
February 2022 2 0 Report
Activity 3
Find the area of each circle. Encircle the letter of the correct answer,
1. What is the area of a circle with radius of 3m?
a. 22.28m
b. 28.12m2
c. 28.26m2
d. 27.28m
2. Find the area of the circle IT its radius is 5m,
a. 75.8m
b. 76.5m
c. 77.6m2
d. 78.5m
3. Given the radius of 7m, find the area of a circle.
a. 152.76m
b. 153 86m2
c. 154.83m2
4. Calculate the area of a circle whose radius is 4m.
a. 50.24m
b. 50.26m2
c. 51.34m
d. 154.86m
6. 51.66m
5. A semi-circle shaped rug has a diameter of 4 ft. What is the area of the Fug? a
b. 12.66ft2
c. 13.6572
d. 14.561 pls i rlly need it rn! ​

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