
September 2022 1 2 Report
activity 3 read each item carefully choose the letter of the correct answer
1 electric conductors are materials and substance that allow electricity to pass through them which one of the following is a good conductor

a.cloth b.paper c.wood d.iron

to which of the following is an example of an insulator

a. wooden block b .paperclip c. steel d. penny

3 why electric wires contain plastic or rubber

a. keep you from getting elected b. to prevent you from freezing c.for decoration d. it is cheaper
for which of the following is most conductive element
a. iron b. copper c. silicon d. silver
5 which among the following is not an insulator
a. wool b. plastic c. silver d. paper
6 the energy gap is maximum in
a. insulators d. conductors c. semiconductors d. superconducto
7 conductors are material that
a. allows cold to flow b. allow the flow of heat c. those not allow heat to flow d. stopped cold from passing trout
8. why is copper a prepared choice in making electric wires
a. Popper is a good conductor of electricity b.poor conductors of electricity c. superconductors d. insulator
9 the electrician is wearing rubber gloves for protection the purpose of the rubber glove is to
a. produce in a electricity
b. insulate the electrician
c. keep the electrician dry
d. create an electrician circuit
10. what material will be safest to use as an insulator to cover electric wires
a.tin b.water c.rubber D. aluminum

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