
October 2022 1 5 Report
Direction: Read the statements carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a sheet of paper.

____ 1. This department is in-charge of unloading, checking, unpacking, and identifying goods received with descriptions on the purchase order.

A. accounting department
B. budget department
C. receiving department
D. sales department

____ 2. Jenny will request drawing materials for their drafting activity. What form is needed for her request?

A. delivery receipt form
B. purchase order form
C. inventory form
D. requisition slip form

____ 3. What form is used to see the date of received of items?

A. delivery receipt form
B. purchase order form
C. inventory form
D. requisition slip form

____ 4. This form contains specified quantities of described goods at agreed terms and at a designated time and place.

A. delivery receipt form
B. purchase order form
C. inventory form
D. requisition slip form

____ 5. Sam accomplished a form that contains purchase information, name, cost of goods and displays on a balance sheet. What type of form is this?

A. delivery receipt form
B. purchase order form
C. inventory form
D. requisition slip form


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