Activity 2: Breathing
1. Ask for help from your family members or friends to count how many times you breathe in one minute. Record how many times you breathe in one minute. Do this three times. (Copy the pattern in an extra sheet of paper or in your notebooks), Write your answer in the box at the bottom
2. Divide this number by three to find your average breathing rate (number of breath per minute) Divide this number by three to find your average breathing rate (number of breath taken per minute)

average breathing rate

1. Ask out help from your family members or friends this time to check and count your pulse beats for 15 seconds. Multiply this number by
4. Try this three times and write the numbers in the boxes. Add all three numbers and write down your answers in the box at the bottom (copy the format in your notebook or a sheet of paper).
2. Divide this number by three to find your average pulse rate (number of heart beat per minute) ​

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