
October 2022 1 2 Report
A. Write TRUE If the statement is correct and FALSE If not,
1. Tethering is a feeding method where the animalis tied to a 10 12 meter rope and
allowed to graze 6 8 hours a day.
2. A cattle shed is made of galvanized Iron sheet.
3. Proper housing should be provided to cattle to give protection from the elements and to
provide shed at night.
4. A cattle shed should be wet at all times.
5. Cattle shed should be free from sharp edges that may harm the animals.
6. Feeding and drinking through should be provided to the animals.
7. Cattle raising provided us meat and milk.
8. Cows graze most of the day,
9. Change the drinking water once a month in the grazing area and in the pen.
10. Cattle farming requires a substantially large area for the animals to roam around or are​

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