
June 2021 1 20 Report
a) Why do atom combine? b) An atom has two electrons more than the noble gas configuration.what type of ion will it form? Q3 a) calculate the mass of nitrogen in 1000kg of urea CO (NH2) 2 . b) Write the formula of aluminium nitride. Q4) What do you observe when silver nitrate reacts with HCl.Write the type of reaction. Q5) a) Name a substance which changes the blue colour of the copper sulphate to white. b) Rainwater does not leave concentric rings when boiled.Why? Q6) Three elements PQ and R have atomic number 4 12 and 20 respectively a) state the number of valence electron in each of the elements. b) Are these elements going to have a similar or different chemical properties? c) Are these elements metals or nonmetals? Q7) Write the following equation in symbols and balance them: a) Copper + Sulphuric acid 0 b) Zinc + dilute sulphuric theta c) Lead dioxide + hydrochloric acid 0 ​

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