A. it tells why something happens. and what happens after. it explains how an incident or action produces results. it is fitting for argumentation, explanation or narration. the writer may begin from the cause followed by the effect or from the effect followed by the cause._______________________
B. this presents how a thing, person or a certain subject is similar or different from another. it is concerned with how alike (compare) or unlike (contrast) someone or something is from someone or something else.______________________
C. it gives the meaning of an idea, concept or word and may specify certain limits of its meaning. this is commonly used in writing scientific research or term papers.______________________
D. this pattern aims to create a picture in the minds of the reader by using adjectives and words that appeal to the senses. it's purpose is to help the readers imagines what the writer saw, heard smelled, tasted felt or experienced.__________________
E. this is done by noting relationship among things. particular items are placed in categories that distinguish them from the other groups of kinds on certain principles or bases._______________________
F. it present logically arranged events which should also describe what happened and when where how and why something occurred. this is usually told with action word. it should appeal to readers feelings and understanding events are organized according to time or chronology so transitional devices used are usually first second next then finally and other that denote time.________________________
G. the intention of this pattern is to convince or influence the reader to do or believe in a certain idea or perception.______________________

-Cause and effect
-Comparision and Contrast
-Problem -solution

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