A . EVALUATION. Read carefully then choose the letter of the correct answer, 1. In the number sentence 5 x 8 = (5x5)+(5*N) = 40, what is the value of N?

A. 1 B.3 C. 5 D. 7
2.What is the missing term in: 4x(4+5) = (4 x 4)+(___x5)?

A.8 B. 6 C.4 D.2

3. What is the answer in 8 x( 9 + 7) = ( 8x9 ) + ( 8 x 7) = ?

A. 128 B. 138 C. 148 D.158

4. Find the missing term in 12 x (10 + 7) = ( 12 x_)+(12x7)

A.17 B. 12 C.10 D. 7

5. What is the answer in number 4 equation?

A. 94 B. 104 C. 204 D. 304 ​

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