
September 2022 1 2 Report
A. Direction: Write TRUE if statement is correct about the impact of poor environment situation to health and FALSE if it is not. 1. Smoke Pollution can cause coughing and difficulty in breathing. 2. Boil water from sources like underground water and spring water before drinking is safe. 3. Improper waste disposal makes the environment safe and pleasing to see. 4. Dump wastes in vacant lots and water ways is good for our health. 5. Smoke belching vehicles makes the air quality good safe. 6. Filtering and boiling are used to make portable water or clean water. 7. Using pesticides to kill pests that are destroying crops is a good practice. 8. Piggeries and poultries with poor sanitation make the environment safe and clean to live in. 9. Leaving dead animals to rot can cause airborne disease that could harm our health. 10. Getting the car tuned regularly is advised to prevent smoke belching.​

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