
March 2021 0 23 Report
A. Determine whether each proposition is a) conjunction, b) disjunction, c) implication, or equivalence . Then tell whether is true or false. 1. 3 is odd and prime
2. 5 is a factor and a multiple of 25
3. The quadratic function y = x² is symmetric with respect to the x –axis and has a maximum value.
4. Tarsiers are nocturnal primates or arboreal mammals.
5. A group of dogs is an herd or a group of birds is a flock
6. Male seahorse is a fish or females seahorse carries the eggs until their release into the water.
7. If 5+ 7 = 12 then 5 ( 7) = 10
8. If 5 + 7 = 5 then 2-5 = 7
9. A square is a polygon if and only if the square is a rectangle
10. The diagonals of a square are parallel if and only if the square is a quadrilateral.

B. Express each propositions in symbolic form, and find the truth value.

1. It is not the case that if it is not sunny, it will rain.
2. It is not the case that is the crown prince dies or he will marry a commoner, his younger sister would inherit the throne.

C. Determine the truth value of the following. Identify which is a tautology
1. p ˅~ p
2. ~(p → q) ↔ ( ~p v ~q)
3. [ ( p → q ) ^ (q → r)] → ( p → r)
4. ~( p ^ q) ↔ (~ p V ~q)
5. p^ (q V r) ↔ ( p v q) ^ (p V r)
6. {˜ [(p V q) → r ] ˄ ~q} → (p ˄ ˜r)

#Helpme please I will mark you as the brainliest answer if I am satisfied with your answer. Nonsense report. ​

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